Colon Hydrotherapy is 5,000 years old

Colon Hydrotherapy is 5,000 years old

We match it with Chinese Medicine

We match it with Chinese Medicine

This is a medical procedure that requires you to print out and fill out the health consent form linked below. It is legally required to fill out and sign the form. If you cannot print it out then please let us know and come 15 minutes early to fill it out. Otherwise some of your appointment time will be needed to complete and sign the mandatory forms.

All Packages of 4 or more Colonics Include guide-dance on your Dietary protocol and protocols of herbs supplements and other therapies to help you get the most out of your Detox.

What is a Colonic?

A Colonic is a treatment for cleaning out leftover waste from the colon by using water or other liquids to flush out the waste from the colon. Colonics are also called colon hydrotherapy (hydrocolonics), colonic irrigation or high enemas, and are used to cleanse the colon. Proponents of colonic treatments say that a colon flush pulls out built-up toxins and it helps to detox your body to promote weight loss and better health.

Please Click Box below to ensure you do not have a contraindication for treatment.

Treatments range from 30-45 minutes per the discretion of the Therapist’s training. Colonics are best matched with a very simple easy to digest diet of homemade soups made of meat broth and veg, or a vegetarian version.    Do not eat for two hours before if you can or as far early as you can and you can eat after . Do not drink for one hour before treatment. You can lose electrolytes and its advisable you take an oral probiotic.

This diet and protocol can be done ongoing as well (obviously with more guidance on full diet) 

These Forms are Necessary for treatment

Please Print Them and fill them out. The first page and last two pages are necessary and the other pages are optional to fill out.

Our Services

Qualified colon hydrotherapy treatment with therapist that has been in the business and a Instructor for 20 years.

We offer Education on doing Gallbladder Flushes, using Coffee Enemas and reflorastation if the Large Intestine with Good Bacteria

WE offer Colon Hydorherapy training and Certification Classes:

> I-ACT and NBCHT compliant

Our Menu and Prices

Note: ( Packages are for each Individual and not to to be split between two or more people)

Package of 6 Colonic Sessions

Six for $540, $90 each

Package of Two Colonic Sessions

Two Colonics for $215 (save $5 on two)

Package of 10 colonic sessions

. $850 for 10 ($85 each)

It all begins with the courage to detox the past making room for a healthier future,

No Refunds on Packages